Heaven is a very real place. It has often been pictured as a place where everyone sits on fluffy clouds and plays a harp for eternity. According to the Word of God, however, this picture is far from the truth. So what is heaven really like?
Jesse Duplantis shares
several events that have happened to him in his relationship with God - events
that he calls close encounters of the God kind. One of these events is his trip
to heaven in 1988. He tells of the wonderful things the Lord has in store for
us, both in heaven and on earth. It is God's desire that everyone spends
eternity in heaven.
So enjoy these videos of close encounters of the God kind for yourself and join Jesse Duplantis in spreading the wonderful message that Jesus is coming soon.
Jesse Duplantis website: http://www.jdm.org/jdmDefault.aspx